Mobile Safaris
in Kenya
Take the path less travelled by striking out on a mobile safari to some of Kenya’s least visited wilderness areas.

About Kenya Mobile Safaris
Safari is the swahili word for to travel – and to head out into the wilderness, staying in temporary canvas camps is the classic way to encounter wildlife. Both timeless and practical, because the beauty of a mobile camp is that it can go where the action is, never restricted by bricks and mortar.
Kenya is the uncontested showcase for Africa’s savanna mammals. Popular for decades with visitors from across the world it has also gained a reputation for being busy, the old cliche of a dozen zebra striped mini buses around a pride of lions is one many people want to avoid. But truth be told this is incredibly easy to miss and the potential to undertake a proper expeditionary adventure is as good, if not better, in Kenya than many safari destinations that trade on being pristine and exclusive.
From a wildlife perspective Kenya contains an embarrassment of riches, so much so that several National Parks that would be a star attraction in a less well-endowed country receive incredibly few numbers of visitors. The reason that they are ignored is often logistical, they lie off the course of a well-worn circuit; or practical, they become too hot or wet for part of the year making an all year round operation unsustainable. This creates an open goal for a safari operator with the wherewithal, gumption and knowledge to set up a mobile camp when the going is good. The experience for the participants is second to none, all of the wildlife with no other visitors.
Meru National Park is a case and point with literally all the wildlife, including breeding populations of both Black and White Rhino and only a trickle of tourists. A private mobile camp, pitched in a glade of palms and figs by a clear running stream where elephants come to drink is arguably the greatest safari luxury there is.
Or to head north to the otherworldly wilds of Turkanaland, camping by the Jade Sea, a place that virtually no one gets up to. Spend quality time on the ground, raking around for fossil fragments and meteorites while Oryx eye you warily. Closer to the mainstream the lakes of Baringo and Bogoria hold enormous flocks of flamingos and other birdlife, geysers and some game – and you are unlikely to see another soul.
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- Experience the freedom of a safari in Laikipia
- Camel safari led by Samburu guides
- Off the beaten track in Meru National Park
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Kenya has a complicated and rather unpredictable weather pattern; as a general rule January to March is hot and dry; April to June is hot and wet (“the long rains”). July to October is very warm and dry, then comes the “short rains” from November into December which are warm and wet.
At high altitudes rain can fall at any time of year. Temperatures are determined largely by altitude – you can reckon on a drop of 6C for every 1,000m you climb above sea level.
July and August are possibly the best months overall for game-viewing, although if you have a specific quarry in mind, for instance Wild Dog, you may want to look at a time they are likely to have finished denning and the young are starting to hunt (November and December have been terrific for this on Laikipia in recent years).
In the far desert north of the country, temperatures year round seldom dip below 35C so a spot of rain can be very welcome indeed in terms of taking the edge off the heat.
Fly Camping
Simple lightweight camps used to support Mobile safaris are one of the greatest pleasures in the wilderness.
Fly camping is minimalist camping par excellence. Above all, it’s about experiencing the sights, sounds and smells of the African night; myriad stars, the noise of elephants foraging near camp, the calls of hyenas, leopards and lions. Frills are restricted to the essentials: good simple food, cold drinks and a comfortable bed roll.

Top Parks & Areas For Mobile Safaris in Kenya
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